Chuck Yeager: Where I Was on December 7, 1941 When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

December 8th, 2014
Chuck Yeager 1942 after Moffett Field

Chuck Yeager 1942 after Moffett Field

General Chuck Yeager’s words: I had entered the Army Air Corps September 9, 1941, fresh out of high school and a summer of working with Dad, chores, huntin’, swimmin’ and fishin’.

Moffett Field Dirigible Hangar 1933

Moffett Field Dirigible Hangar 1933








On December 7, 1941; I was stationed at Moffett Field in California, still a crew chief, although I had applied for pilot training.

Jimmy Stewart, pilot, after serving at Moffett Field

Jimmy Stewart, pilot, after serving at Moffett Field with Chuck Yeager




Jimmy Stewart was a Buck Sergeant and my CO.

I was walking downtown when I heard over the radio – that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. All military personnel were ordered to their bases.

Was California next? Or….what was next? We were on extreme high alert.

Note from Victoria: A few years ago, General Yeager and I visited Moffett Field Hangar One where the dirigible was kept. That was one of Private Yeager’s early assignments – guarding the dirigible hangar. First time in California – he had never seen palm trees before September, 1941.


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